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Dorothy & Ted Weber Jr. Family Collection

Retrospective Fund for the College of Arts & Letters

The Dorothy and Ted Weber Jr. Family Collection was established in 1997 by Ted Weber Jr. and his late wife, Dorothy. Ted graduated magna cum laude from Notre Dame in 1945 spent two years at General Electric before joining McGraw-Hill in 1949. After advancing through a variety of positions, he was named executive vice president in 1979. In addition to his work, Ted has been active in several organizations, including the Leukemia Society of America, the Industrial Communication Council, the Civilian/Military Institute, and the Angel Island Association in California. He has four sons, one of whom is a 1974 graduate of Notre Dame. Now retired, Ted resides in San Francisco.

The Weber fund has enabled the Hesburgh Libraries to make significant progress in supporting the resource needs of emerging research interests such as Romance languages and literatures, peace studies, American Protestant church history, Slavic studies, music, and Middle Eastern and Central European studies.

Additionally, the family has established the Laura K. & Theodore S. Weber, Sr. Family Endowed Collection for Penguin Books and the Ted Weber, Jr. Family Collection Advancing the Catholic Intellectual Heritage.