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Jack Boyd Smith Family Collection in Business

The Jack Boyd Smith Family Collection in Business was established in 1997 by Jack Smith Jr. to honor his father. Jack is president and chief executive officer of Gaska Tape, Inc., in Elkhart, Indiana. He has served on the Advisory Council for the Performing Arts since 2005. Jack and his wife, Laura, have also contributed to the Notre Dame Shakespeare Festival and the performing arts, the Jordan Hall of Science, and the Jack Smith Jr. MBA Fellowship.

The Smith Endowment supports scholarship and research in business through collection development and services, predominantly through the Mahaffey Business Information Center. The fund plays a critical role in providing library resources as the Mendoza College of Business’s curricular offerings grow and as student and faculty research expands and intensifies. Specific resources provided include Faulkner’s Advisory for IT Studies and ProQuest Statistical Datasets. With the support of this fund, the Libraries are able to provide materials in the form of books, journals, non-print formats, and the latest information technology, contributing in a significant way to the continued high rankings of the College.